Being a global fitness equipment company means selling to numerous industries. When participating or working specific events, tailoring their booths according to the clientele makes sense; however, trade show booths can be costly and sharing them amongst a team can create chaos.
As a solution, we set up a trade show booth rental program in which sales representatives can reserve a particular booth for an upcoming event. This program provides our client with an organized and convenient way to cut down on costs while representing their brands. Here’s how it works—
- The sales representative reserves a kit—via the company’s custom web store—within a scheduled timeframe
- Our automated reservation system receives the booking and adds the requested rental timeframe to the calendar—ensuring double bookings do not occur
- We then receive the order and ship it out to arrive in time for their event—also included in the shipment is a return shipping label for the renter to send the kit back
- Upon return of the kit, our fulfillment team performs a quality control check—ensuring all components are returned and intact so the booth can be sent out for its next rental
Our automated reservation system offers our client an organized solution for products shared amongst a team—providing product accountability and transparency.
Features and Functionalitiles—
Email Notifications and Reminders
The renter and client receive emails when
the kit has been shipped
it is time to send the kit back
the kit is past its due date
When a kit is booked, our system automatically inhibits the ability for anyone else to rent the product 5 days before and 5 days after the reservation to account for transit time. This provides the renter enough time to receive the kit on time and to return the kit on time.
Should the kit be returned under the 5-day cushion and a sales representative is in need of this reserved kit, we provide our client with administration controls to make the kit available again.
Administration Controls
We give our client the control by providing an admin functionality on their web store. Within the admin, our client can –
view all current reserved kits
view details of each order—product(s) reserved, who reserved it, order date, reservation date range, and reason for rental
change the reservation dates
cancel a scheduled rental
A report is auto generated and sent to our client via email any time a kit has been reserved. This report also includes –
a history of all rented kits
what kits are currently reserved
return tracking numbers—allowing them to view the location status of a kit